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Soru - Cevap 29.03.2001 - netyorum.com / Sayı: 64

Soru: (Referans: 64/001)

Atasözleri günümüze kadar nasıl gelmiştir? - Meral Balaban

Cevap: Bu sorunun yanıtı için öncelikle atasözü'nün ne anlama geldiğine bakmak gerekir. Atasözlerini, özlü sözlerle karıştırmamakta yarar var. Atasözü, uzun yıllar halk arasında çeşitli deneyimler sonucunda ortaya çıkmış, özümlenmiş bilgiyi ifade eden cümlelerdir. Genellikle halkbilim'e dayanır. Migueal de Cervantes'in tanımı en uygunudur belki de; "Atasözü, uzun deneyimlere dayanan kısa cümledir". Kültür'ün, yaşam biçiminin içinden doğar. Bilinen ilk insandan bu zamana kadar geldiği, her otuz yılda bir mevcut olana bir o kadar daha eklendiği söylenir. Bunlar kulaktan kulağa dolaşmıştır. Bilinen ilk yazılı şekilleri dörtbinbeşyüz sene önce Eski Sümerler'in hazırladığı kitabelerde görülür.

İngilizce bir kaynaktan çok ilginç bulduğum atasözü tanımlarını sizlerle paylaşmak istiyorum;

"A proverb consists of a short sentence which contains a general piece of wisdom. 
A proverb contains wisdom which has been handed down from one generation to the next. 
A proverb describes situations which happened before and which are repeated again and again. 
A proverb expresses folk wisdom in formulaic, short and metaphorical language. 
A proverb has been passed down through many generations. It sums up, in one short phrase, a general principle or common situation, and when you say it, everyone knows exactly what you mean. It is often graphic, symbolic or rhyming, so that it is easily remembered. 
A proverb is a common expression whose origin is not known or has been forgotten. It expresses wisdom concerning life. 
A proverb is a common, repeated and generally known phrase which expresses a general idea taken to be true. It usually draws upon everyday occurrences or events in nature which are easily understood. 
A proverb is a commonly-known, easily understandable example of descriptive, colorful, "folksy" wisdom, which, independent of the era, carries a lesson to and conveys a philosophy of life for the common man. 
A proverb is a commonly-known, often-quoted, concise saying which expresses a generalization concerning some aspect of everyday existence. 
A proverb is a commonly used or known phrase, expressing knowledge, a conclusion or an attitude about aspects of life that are unviersally familiar to mankind. 
A proverb is a complete sentence which usually contains a mroal or didactic "message." 
A proverb is a condensed form of age-old folk sayings and biblical teachings. The proverb attempts to teach us, via the trials and tribulations of others who were not as fortunate as we. Proverbs can be positive or negative in nature; unfortunately, far too many of them are anti-women in their conclusions. 
A proverb is a condensed version of basic opinions, prejudices and beliefs common to a group of people. These are usually in the form of very short, easy-to-remember sentences or phrases. 
A proverb is a fixed-phrase, metaphorical statement. 
A proverb is a fixed phrase piece of folklore consisting of a comparison or analogy, applying one set of circumstances to a different but similar situation. 
A proverb is a formulaic expression of a certain truth which is applicable only in a special situation. Used generally a proverb is only half a truth. 
A proverb is a linguistic attempt to express a general truth or wisdom in a few words. 
A proverb is a metaphorical statement that illustrates a lesson of behavior. 
A proverb is a one-sentence statement which encapsulates an element of folk wisdom; a specific reference which applies to many generalized situations or meanings. 
A proverb is a phrase or sentence, accepted and integrated into common verbal usage of the general population, although often regional in character, which is most likely generated by astute, humanistic, albeit didactic, assessment of the human experience, offering tidbits of wisdom applicable to these pradigms of existential encounter. 
A proverb is a pictorial phrase in which a message is given, many times a picture of an oft done action. 
A proverb is a pithy statement or comment usually involving advice or a moral. 
A proverb is a saying or generalization often accepted as truth; it contains words of wisdom. 
A proverb is a saying that is known to the public; sometimes a moral or a threat. 
A proverb is a saying with which people often identify because it is universal and meaningful in some way or other. 
A proverb is a sentence or phrase which expresses the generally accepted thought or belief of a group and which has, through use, become of a group and which has, through use, become standardized in form. 
A proverb is a sentence that has been developed orally and is still used by the people of a region. It has usually come about from experience and it is a statement that teaches the learning within an experience. 
A proverb is a short and general statement which is handed down by tradition and which changes its meaning according to the speaker and the situation. 
A proverb is a short and poetic statement used by the folk to express rules or wisdom concerning life. 
A proverb is a short, concise, colloquial saying, easily memorized, and containing traditional beliefs taken to be true. 
A proverb is a short, concise phrase which states a moral principle, bit of folk wisdom or similar rule by which one should live. 
A proverb is a short condesation of a piece of folk wisdom, formed in such a way that it will be memorable. Its main goal is thus to teach, whether it be a semi-scientific fact or a view-point. 
A proverb is a short expression known by many people. It usually contains a commonly held view of life. 
A proverb is a short phrase. It is used to convey a traditional bit of folk wisdom. 
A proverb is a short saying which teaches a point or establishes a cultural norm based on the tradition of the people who use it. It is generally to be understood analogically - at least I have never heard of a proverb fundamentalist. 
A proverb is a short sentence or phrase which capsulizes a thought about human nature, values or ideals, and is generally thought to be for instructive/exemplary purposes. 
A proverb is a short sentence or saying which expresses a rather simple didactic concept, and which usually implies a right as opposed to a wrong action. Proverbs are brief, often not direct (metaphoric), and a great majority of the community will be familiar with the proverb and its meaning. 
A proverb is a short, traditional statement which teaches or gives advice on a subject. Comparisons are often used to illustrate the point. 
A proverb is a small saying that describes wisdom in a way that either teaches or makes fun of it. 
A proverb is a statement often articulated in parallel or allegorical terms with the intent of expressing a general truth 
A proverb is a traditional, fixed-phrase saying,usually one sentence that expresses an opinion, often considered wisdom, on a subject or recommends a course of action. 
A proverb is a traditional saying or sentence which summarizes an attitude towards something or describes a certain sitation. It is an often used saying through which one learns. A "picture" or "image" accompanies, or is within the expression, which gives light to the lesson to be learned. This lesson is often referred to as a moral. 
A proverb is a traditional wisdom, advice or statement in a fixed phrase. It is short and precise, consists of at least two parts, and contains actor and verb. 
A proverb is a well known saying which belongs to folk poetry and which is used by everyone. 
A proverb is a well known saying without a known author, passed on from generation to generation, which gives advice, admonitions or a moral lesson - usually a few words to not more than one sentence in length and stated in a manner that is easily remembered i.e. rhyme, workable language, alliteration, analogy, etc. It is related to man as a whole and often begins with who. 
A proverb is a witticism which combines clarity and precision of thought with brevity and profundity of word usage. The statement generally applies to a situation which is commonly understood and appreciated by all peoples of a given culture. 
A proverb is an expression in colloquial or biblical terms which illustrtes a moralistic point. 
A proverb is an often repeated and metaphorical expression. 
A proverb is generally used to provide "wisdom" in a concise way. It spares the speaker of the proverb the chore of being philosophically original. 
A proverb is the wisdom of many, the wit of one. This is known as defining a proverb with a proverb. It doesn’t hold up too well as a definition, but it sticks in my mind. 
Certain principles and conditions of everyday life are expressed in proverbs, which in turn help people to understand the world and to learn from experience. 
In a few words proverbs explain human problems and behavior. 
Proverbs are general statements of truth which can apply to certain instances in a commentary fashion, and which can act as wise words for future actions. 
Proverbs are golden words of folk wisdom that have been treasured from generation to generation. 
Proverbs are short and aphoristic expressions of wisdom which reflect basic human situations and concerns".

Görebileceğiniz gibi atasözü'nün tanımı çok geniş bir yelpaze içeriyor. Buradan yola çıkarak kısa bir tanım yaparsak; "atasözü, halk tarafından benimsenmiş, kısa bir cümlede akıl, gerçek, manevi duygulardan yola çıkarak sabitlenmiş, kuşaktan kuşağa geçerek günümüze gelmiş deyişlerdir". Farklı dillerde anlaşılması zor olduğundan tercüme edildiklerinde anlamlarını yitirebilirler. Dinsel kitaplarında bu konuda değerlendirilmesinde yarar vardır.

Kısaca konumuza geri dönersek, yazının icad olduğundan bu yana atasözleri halk arasında söylenenlerin kayda geçirilmesi ile günümüze kadar ulaşmıştır.

Soru: (Referans: 64/002)

Panasonic GD93 cep telefonu ile e-posta'larımı nasıl okurum?


Panasonic GD-93 telefonunuzu kullanarak elektronik posta gönderebilmek ve size gelen elektronik postalarınızı okuyabilmek için aşağıdaki ayarlar yapılmalısınız. Öncelikle menüde "Mesajlar\E-mail\Parametreler\Sunucu Ayarları" bölümüne gidilmelidir. Bu bölümdeki parametrelerin açıklamaları aşağıdadır:



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Sayın Metin Berk'e teşekkür ederiz.

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